Be safe
Apu Ausangate, Peru
Early on my shamanic path, I made a pilgrimage to the holy mountain, Apu Ausangate, in Peru. One day after ceremony, the Paqos (the Q'ero Inca shamans) were teaching us about the prophecy of the Pachakuti, the great turning of the Earth—the end of time as we know it and the end of our current ways of thinking and engaging with the elements. As they were describing the period of change and the process of emergence from the chaos, one person earnestly asked, "When these changes come, where will the safe places be?" With a loving smile and sweet chuckle, the paqo responded, "There are no safe places, only safe people. We heal ourselves so we can be safe people."
This wisdom has been at the forefront of my mind for several weeks now. As all the elemental forces are raging and every wildfire, hurricane, and earthquake is described as record-breaking, a once in a century event, unheard of, and now the current pandemic, I feel the knowing in my heart that THIS is the great turning of the Earth. In all the talk and dreaming of a better world, we tend to overlook the period of transition that we are now called upon to witness. It doesn't happen in an instant. It's filled with heartbreak, loss, and feelings of terror as we are each in the energetic washing machine where every emotion, belief and pattern is being agitated to the surface and cleansed. We are holographic representations of the Earth and we are experiencing our own inner wildfires, hurricanes, earthquakes, viral thought patterns, everyone to differing to degrees. I've yet to meet anyone who isn't feeling something of this.
So how do we respond? Especially when it can seem SO overwhelming. We can start by being gentle with ourselves. Allowing ourselves space to feel all that we are feeling, without judgement. This is the space where we mourn with those who are mourning the loss of loved ones, of all the comforts lost, those deep in the fear of the unknown, and we offer comfort to anyone and everyone we encounter in our daily sojourn who stands in need of comfort. We remember our shared humanity and we show up for the big event, remembering that we are creating what comes next in each and every moment.
Who are the safe people? We are. When we're not engaged in drama, when we're grounded and clear in our hearts. Safe people allow themselves to feel all the feels, they honor and bless it all, and then keep walking forward one step at a time. Safe people don't have it all figured out, in fact they've given up trying to figure it out. They are present for the unfolding of each moment and recognize they have the ability to take the threads and weave them together however they choose. Safe people are in the flow of life, surfing the waves and doing their best to encourage those around them that, "We've got this!"
Find your stillness practice. It doesn't matter what it looks like or if you find your stillness on a meditation cushion or running and sweating, for me right now it’s weeding. Find it. Allow yourself space each day to drop into that place of steadiness and peace within your heart. Come into clarity of heart and trust your guidance for what comes next. Each time I come into stillness and ask what comes next the answer that comes is "Chop wood. Carry water." Come into a state of presence and take whatever small or big steps are right in the moment. Every. Day. This is how we can BE safe people.
There are no easy places to be right now. No place is better or worse, only different. We cannot outrun or hide from the changes occurring to all facets of life as we have known it. What we can do is be safe people wherever we are and encourage others to join us. Brave, courageous and loving hearts are the path forward. Ask for the help and support you need and be willing to comfort yourself when there's no one but you to go to. We've got this. You’ve got this. And together we will navigate the great turning of the Earth. Cut through the noise, tune into the stillness. Listen to the wisdom of your heart. BE SAFE.