Transformation with roots to thrive

Energy Medicine

Customized care to support your wellness and healing intentions.

Let’s get you unstuck, help you find your bearings to chart a new course, or finally reach that breakthrough, so you can flourish and be the most brilliant and beautiful you!

Shamanic healing Sessions

These sessions are the ultimate form of personal energetic housekeeping. Whether you're looking to shift longstanding habits or patterns, are in the midst of a significant transition, or ready to shed old layers and connect to greater joy, shamanic sessions are a gentle, yet powerful experience. This type of energy work enhances the work you’re doing through leadership or life coaching sessions and other healing modalities you may already be incorporating into your wellness approach.

Energy medicine weaves together many ancient healing arts and is based on the understanding that we not only have a physical body, we also have an energy body that is anchored into our physical through the chakra system. Within this energy system we store information from our ancestral lineage, patterns of belief, and experiences of trauma.

For most clients, the immediate sensation following a session is feeling lighter due to the release of heavy, stagnant, or contaminated energy that has accumulated over time. As the work integrates, most clients experience a deeper level of peace, increased clarity, and renewed connection to their life path and purpose.

Each 75-90 minute session is tailored to your specific desires and intentions for healing and transformation. Depending on what’s needed, a session may include shamanic journey, soul retrieval, energetic cord cutting, or extraction of intrusive energies. Sessions may integrate the power of sonic alchemy through the use of crystal singing bowls and sacred sound, helping you to access a deeper level of relaxation and enhancing the process.

Sessions are available in-person in Ivins, Utah or remotely on Zoom.

For guests staying at Red Mountain Resort, please book directly with the resort, be sure to request Brittney Marie.

For those desiring to engage in a deeper process, four session packages are available. This can be a wonderfully supportive space to build energy and momentum towards realizing your healing intentions. Each package is intended to be completed within a 3 month period.

One of the most overlooked aspects of healing is the necessity of allowing space for integration. We move at whatever pacing feels most restorative and supportive for you.

Session options

Complimentary Discovery Call 15 min.

$175 one-time session 75-90 min.

$625 Four session package

$75 Energy Tune-up 30 min.


Frequently Asked Questions

It’s true! Shamanic healing sounds kind of strange, maybe a bit “out there.” Let’s tackle the basics so you can discern if this approach is something y0u’re up for.

What is a shaman?

The term “shaman” is an anthropological word used in the west to reference a healer. Every culture around the world has healers who are called by titles in their own language.

In most traditions, being a shaman is a calling. Sometimes healing gifts are passed down through a biological lineage. In some cultures a near death experience or being struck by lightning is the form of the calling.

For practitioners like me, who are not born into a shamanic tradition or culture, I studied and completed rites of initiation into a lineage of Andean mysticism and healing. Though I absolutely feel called to this path, I don’t call myself a shaman. I feel it’s more respectful and appropriate to say I’m a shamanic practitioner or practitioner of shamanic healing arts.

When I’m asked how one can find a legit practitioner, I always suggest you ask what shamanic/healing lineage they are connected to. This is so important! Transformation needs roots to flourish. Deep healing comes when you root into a lineage of healing and access the long line of medicine people who came before and who stand with us at the ready, to support your own healing. When I work with you, I do not stand alone — this is the medicine.

What happens in a session?

Typically a session begins with a check-in, you share whatever is “up” for you. As you share, I’ll likely ask some clarifying questions to explore what might be going on, this is called energy tracking. Once we get to the core issue, we may use some oracle cards to better understand the energies.

At some point in the process, you’ll be invited to lie down for the energy clearing part of the experience. It’s essential you have a quiet space, free of distractions if we’re working together remotely.

I may use a drum or rattle to go on a journey to continue to track the energy and identify what level of clearing is needed to support the release of the energies that are no longer in service to you. There will also be some sacred sound through alchemical crystal singing bowls and some bells — sound helps to clear, calibrate, and activate your energetic field.

Afterwards we’ll have a short debrief to share our respective experiences and I’ll share any additional recommendations to support the integration of the healing work.

What’s special about Shamanic Healing?

There are SO many different energy medicine modalities — it’s both wonderful and daunting! I’ve worked with over 2,500 clients in these sessions and the most impactful aspect is that shamanic practices tap into the mythic nature of our human experience. It gets you out of your head and into your heart.

In the place beyond the words, anything and everything is possible. We can meet, greet, and connect with our divine helpers, our ancestors, and allies that roam the earth in the form of spirit or power animals.

When your head isn’t getting you the answers you need, it’s time to go deeper — into your bones where you carry the memory of all your wise and resilient ancestors. Into the earth to commune with the plants, the stones, and elemental energies. Shamanic practitioners are guides into other dimensions and realms to hold space for your vulnerability and transformational healing process. We heal fastest when we do so in the company of one who has walked the path before.