Singing us Home
"Me Too." Two words that have opened our eyes and cracked open our collective heart to the ugly truth that has lived in the shadows for far too long. Me Too. It happened when I was 4 years old, but it took me until I was 11 years old to finally work up the courage to speak the truth of it. As each woman adds her voice to the #MeToo movement, we see the scope of these violations and transgressions against women of all ages, races, and worldwide. It's become so commonplace and so unspoken it's been viewed as just another accepted aspect of life. Until now.
These past weeks I've sat with many dear sisters who now feel called and safe to speak their truth. The truth of their shame, guilt, embarrassment, pain, and their anguish held inside for decades, sometimes for more than 70 years. These are not isolated incidents that are easily forgotten or let go regardless of how much counseling one has received. To survive we compartmentalize these experiences, relegate them to the dark corners of our psyche so we can carry on each day. The most important place a woman can speak this truth is to herself, acknowledging the deep ways she has been wounded and impacted by the violations that live in her body — robbing her of childhood innocence, tainting the gentle touch of a lover, the birth of children, and the most celebrated and joyful rites of passage of womanhood.
As I've been working with these courageous women a powerful vision has come each and every time of the legion of women, through all generations of time, standing in solidarity with the rise of the Divine Femine and the reclamation of her power. Each time a woman speaks the truth of the transgressions she's experienced, she reclaims her power and is held and supported by all who have gone before her. Working with the crystal singing bowls in these sessions has been beyond my words to express. As the bowls sing, I hear the song of the Earth and the drumbeat of her Heart guiding these sisters and all of us, HOME. Singing us back into our bodies. Singing us back into the sacred temple of the womb that births us all. Singing us back into the integrity of what it means to honor and respect the physical and energetic boundaries of one another. Singing us back to our hearts and the connection and intimacy we long for as we travel together through this physical plane of existence.
This is what the birthing of the New Earth looks like. The tide is rising to carry us forward into the new. The Divine Mother is singing her children home, one TRUTH at a time. The time has come to listen. Without judgement. To heal the wounds in the hearts of men. For the masculine is every bit as vulnerable and impacted by the distortions that continue these cycles of abuse. Give your voice. Speak your truth. Speak up. Speak out when you see it. The world is breaking open to let the LIGHT into the darkest spaces buried deep. SHE is singing us ALL home.
“So we give our voices
So we give our voices to the ones who’ve left us
So we give our voices
To the ones who cry in silence
So we give our voices
So we give our voices to the ones who’s speech is
Runnin’ under soil beneath…
Subtle in…
Subtle as your flutter beat lung beat run beat
Inside my heart a little while…”
— Ayla Nereo “Hum” Album: the Code of Flowers