Tone Home

I’m always curious when a theme emerges from a period of client sessions and group experiences and how it translates to a message I can share with you. In recent weeks, everything has been rooted in the power of sound to heal and bring alignment amidst the current chaos. As I’ve been working with groups through drumming and crystal bowl sound journeys, it’s been a potent reminder of our innate ability to tone our way home. Home to a place of greater peace, balance and alignment to next steps on the path. Sound vibrations open channels within our physical and energetic bodies creating space to receive what's most needed be it insight, clarity, peace, or grounding. 

Early in the pandemic, after many weeks of being home, I found myself increasingly irritated by the sounds of my physical realm. The hum of the fridge, the air conditioner, the meeps and mutters of my kiddo. I was going a bit nutty and decided to invest in a pair of high quality noise canceling headphones. They’ve been an amazing support and reminded me that sometimes what we need is to shut out the noise to attune to our own inner hum. 

In the Sufi tradition, it’s taught that the most powerful vehicle of healing is the sound of one’s own voice. Each layer of who we are creates a uniquely tuned resonating chamber, a vessel for sound to move through our cells and vibrate energy to clear stagnancy and activate potentiality. Is your voice clear or does it need some toning and tuning?

It can be challenging to know what in you needs attention or tuning when it’s heard in the symphony of the other sounds and instruments present in your sphere. If you’re finding it hard to discern what you need, try creating your own bubble of soundproof moments so you can better hear what’s going on within you. As you tune your instrument, you’re better able to contribute the greater song of life. 

Accessing the power of sound is as simple as listening to your favorite music and allowing yourself freedom to move and sing along. Allowing the rhythmic beat of a drum to ground you back into the heart of the earth. Most importantly, taking time to attune to your own needs in the moment and allowing yourself to acknowledge and speak the truth of what’s most important to you. 

There are a myriad of opportunities right now to explore and connect to what resonates for you as truth. Opportunities to speak your truth, to speak up for what is important to you, to speak up for injustices, speak up for the world we’re creating together. Using your voice is power.

Affirmations, mantras, toning, prayer are all forms of using the power of sound to shift and shape your inner and outer world. As you traverse the waves of change and challenge, remember that the vibration of sound you carry within is among the most powerful tools you have to draw on. There is power in using your voice to request support, to offer kind words, to speak peace and love into a world in transition. 

Whatever your experience is right now, I invite you use this period of the New Moon to explore your voice and the power of sound as a healing balm for a tender aspect of your life. Sing, hum, or tone your way home to greater ease, peace, and wellbeing. 


Parable of the pie


Compassion fatigue