Windows of the New Year

Ahhh, it's finally time to reach out amidst the stirrings of a new year. 

If you still feel betwixt and between the old and the new, you're in good company. Not everyone calibrates to a calendar that kicks off a new cycle on January first. It took me a good many years to recognize and accept that my inner calendar has a different rhythm.

In our home we enjoy a more spacious holiday season by marking the twelve days of Christmas that carry us to Epiphany or Three Kings Day in early January. Then comes my son's birthday, closely followed by walking the spiral of life through a period of honoring profound loss and grief. As a result, it takes a bit before I start to feel the call of a new year.

I know the new is approaching when I feel the winter urge to wash the windows. Yesterday was a warm, sunny day after a period of rain and I knew it was time. What a difference it made! To view the landscape, both inside and out, though sparkly clean windows. Sometimes it takes a bit to recognize the time has come to dust away the cobwebs and clear the window to see into the new cycle with greater clarity. 

It's important to remember, that every day is a window of new beginnings.This weekend marked the first full moon of the calendar year. This week we arrive at Imbolc, the Celtic festival marking the halfway point between winter solstice and spring equinox. Next weekend is the Lunar New Year or Chinese New Year, welcoming the year of the dragon. And come March, we're in the full swing of spring when the equinox arrives along with the astrological new year.

So you see, there are plenty of windows into the new year. If you aren't feeling the call to launch into new goals, intentions, or projects yet, it's OK. Perhaps you live in a place that's still very much in the deeps of winter, keep sipping your tea and embrace the quietude.

Allow yourself space to tune in and connect with your own inner rhythm of new beginnings and fresh starts. Sometimes we need more time to close out the past year and make space to plant seeds of the new. Keep prepping your soil. The time will come to tip toe out to the garden and quietly plant the seeds that you'll nurture in the new year.

Until then, if you'd like support to release the old, or want to sit together to explore threads of the new through a reading, I'm here. Peaking into the new through clear windows and available to work with you 💠 


Spring Cleaning


Keep Your Spirit BRIGHT