Eyes wide open
“We need a big vision, a relentless imagination, and a bottomless well of courage to draw from. We need frameworks that hold the possibility for collective health and communal well-being. We need to be investing in systems of care so solid they can catch us when we fall and carry us through the most challenging passages of our collective evolution.”
Prayer offerings in a chapel on the Isle of Iona, Scotland
It seems impossible that so much has occurred in the few weeks since I last wrote to you, but here we are. As a healing practitioner, it feels imperative to speak up about recent events across the US in the wake of the killing of George Floyd. Imperfect though these words may be, they're my first step in choosing to stand in solidarity with all who declare that ALL Black Lives Matter and are working towards change.
As protests have expanded across the country, I’ve felt at a loss as to what to do, what to say, how to be an ally. Over the years I’ve learned that when I find myself in the place of I don’t know, it’s time to slow down and listen. So I’ve been reading and listening to the powerful messages of those deeply impacted by racism, systemic violence, by the reality of having to parent their children in ways I cannot imagine, and have never had to consider, to keep their children safe. My heart breaks for all of it and I’m only beginning to understand my part in perpetuating the problems.
Like many, I’ve felt a call to action. As I’ve asked for guidance as to what that action is, the words that come over and over in response are, eyes wide open.
This is a time to keep our eyes wide open. For true and lasting change to occur, it’s necessary to look at what’s long been hidden in plain sight. The current upheaval cannot be prayed away. Thoughts alone or proclamations of love and light won’t cut it. This isn’t a “this too shall pass” moment, because what we’re seeing has been passed over and dismissed for far too long by those of us who, whether we've been conscious of it or not, live a life of privilege. There’s no more hiding it in the shadows or denying the inequity, the systemic ways black people and people of color are silenced, marginalized, and the sanctity of their lives diminished.
Change is upon us, more so now than ever before. It’s okay to not know what it all means or where it’s all headed. No matter what anyone says, none of us truly knows the depths of what’s unfolding and the magnitude of change we’ll witness in our lifetimes. It’s okay to not know, but it’s not okay to turn away from the pain, the anger, and the violence being expressed, or remain silent.
If you don’t know what to do, at the very least, keep your eyes wide open to what’s unfolding. Don’t turn away. Lean in. Be willing to listen. Educate yourself. We each share personal responsibility for the subtle and overt ways the imbalances and injustices are allowed to persist. As we open our eyes and hearts to see what so many courageous men, women, and children are calling our attention to, we’re better able to discern how to be allies in these transformative times.
Recently I’ve heard many people say we’re living in dark times, but I'd say we’ve never lived with so much light. We’re seeing the work of the light in action, illuminating what’s been hidden in the darkness, the truths we've been unwilling to see. When we pray and call for love and light, it comes in whatever way it’s most needed. Yes, it’s intense, uncomfortable, and confronting, so please hold yourself and others in compassion. Reserve judgement. Ask questions and listen closely to what’s being spoken softly or shouted in the streets.
It seems like we’ve already lived a lifetime this year. The experience of the ongoing pandemic opened our eyes to a whole range of issues, now we’re called to see another layer straight away, and I’m sure there's more to come. It’s okay to not know what to do with it all. The first step is being willing to see, to witness what’s coming forward so you can discern your own next right step to action.
There’s vulnerability and humility in not knowing, both are an opening into a powerful space for deep transformation. I believe that the breaking open we’re witnessing is the path to deep healing and the creation of a world that’s in service to everyone, not just the few. Life has shown me time and again that nothing is what it seems—destruction is creation, death is birth, all sides live within the whole. I trust the guidance that eyes wide open is the way to navigate the path of profound change we find ourselves walking together.