The light of grace & Gratitude
“Welcome to feeling less heavy and restricted and more curious and forward looking. It’s time to lighten up along with the energy, no matter what is happening around you. This doesn’t mean that someone’s waved a magic wand and the virus has disappeared, but the way you think about the situation is evolving.”
Sunrise, Montana Megaliths
The past few weeks I've felt so much heaviness, weariness, over-it-ness. I'm noticing many people have suddenly decided the season of the virus is over and it's time to move on as though it never was. While I wish that were possible, my sense is we're engaged in a transformative experience with a pace and timing that can't be rushed.
So how do we lighten up our heavy hearts and light up the potentiality within during these strange days? Enter in the medicine of grace and gratitude.
Some would say with gratitude, comes grace. In my experience, it works the other way around. I find it's hard to be in gratitude when I feel overwhelmed or in the chaos of an intense experience. When I'm able to connect to grace, it carries to me to a space of calm where gratitude is there waiting.
What is grace and where do you find it?
Grace is the thing that IS working. A sense of ease. The bright spot. Grace lives in the place that feels light when so much feels heavy. Even if you have to excavate a bit to discover it, there is always an undercurrent of grace to be found, even in the most challenging times. As you connect to it, the flow of grace will carry you to solid ground and open your eyes to what you can be grateful for.
When you recognize the gifts of grace, no matter how small or simple, you begin to tap into a feeling of gratitude. The fog clears, the sun returns, and life begins to lighten up. Gratitude is grounding. It soothes and calms your nervous system. Acknowledging what you’re grateful for rewires your brain to seek out what IS working and keeps you connected to the flow of grace.
Each time you enter a space of gratitude, each time you fill your heart with grateful energy, you begin to access more support for the path ahead.
At this point in the process, you might be celebrating the return to some of life's simple pleasures and your fortitude for enduring the recent isolation. You may also be grieving, in whatever ways you feel it, the plans that have been impacted, special occasions missed, or the challenge and discomfort of change. Grief is one of the most powerful catalysts of creation because in each ending, lives the spark of a new beginning. Allow yourself to collaborate with your grief to transform and re-form your life and your plans.
In the tough moments, look for the grace. In the joyful moments, look for the grace. Allow grace to become your touchstone to gratitude and your capacity to lighten up.
✨Can you feel it? ✨What"s starting to lighten up & light up within you?✨