Life’s a beach
Ocean grid created with shells and stones collected on the beach, citrine points, and sunstone
Last week was our final summer adventure to Legoland and the beach. It's a trip that had been planned for months so it was surprising that a few days before my inclination was to postpone it. For many reasons, I decided to carry on and we went. While it was enjoyable, after all it's the beach! Things were a bit out of sync the whole time. My man-cub was "meh" despite dreaming of Legoland for a year, there were large summer crowds, traffic, travel glitches, and a general sense of overwhelm.
As I drove us home from the airport at 2 am through the starry desert, I had a big moment of awareness. I realized that it would have cost me a mere $22 to postpone all the elements of our trip. That's it?! We could have taken the trip when we were both more energized and excited, and when the crowds would have been smaller. The message was about discernment.
Life is shifting and changing so quickly. Just because something was a good move a few months, weeks, days or even hours ago, doesn’t mean it will remain that way. It’s OK to make adjustments. It’s imperative to LISTEN for the subtle messages. I realized that if it’s not a full on YES, it’s a NO…for now. Sometimes it’s because more information is needed, sometimes it’s not right timing for the best outcome, sometimes it’s just no longer aligned because of other changes you may or may not be aware of. Life has a lot of moving parts, trust that you will be able to discern the best path forward - the key is to connect to your place of inner stillness so you can truly listen for the guidance as it’s often subtle. And then you need to TRUST YOURSELF.
You know your best way forward. You can gather advice and insights from others, but ultimately your heart and inner wisdom are your compass. On the drive I was reminded of guidance I received one late night while I was outside praying and pouring my heart out, the message in response was, Don’t judge the way your or others choose to learn your lessons. Trust you have chosen the best path for yourself to learn what you came to this Earth experience to learn.
There is no wrong path. There are both direct and scenic routes to our highest destiny, but it’s never wrong. Going to the beach last week wasn’t ideal, but my choice to go helped me come to an important awareness that will serve me well going forward.
As I’ve been reflecting, the words of Sufi teacher Hazrat Inayat Khan resonate deeply, “The true seekers after truth are lovers of simplicity. The right road is simple, clear and distinct. There is nothing vague about it.”
For me this is a key to discernment. If things aren’t simple and clear yet, then take a breath, invoke a sacred pause, and get still within yourself. It’s OK to call a time-out so you can re-set and take in whatever additional information you need to make a decision. It doesn’t matter what anyone else has to say about it. Do what’s needed to care for yourself and source your next best step so you can be ALL IN and take it with confidence.
It’s also important to recognize that sometimes the next step feels scary because it’s a step into the unknown. If your heart is calling you to something that brings up fear, that doesn’t mean it’s wrong. Most often it’s a sign that you are moving onto your growing edge and on the threshold of a breakthrough.
In the spirit of simplicity you might consider this approach - if the decision you’ve made brings a sense of expansion and excitement into your heart, take the leap of faith, even if there’s fear in the mix too. If the decision causes you to contract and go into anxiety and worry, it’s a no…at least for now. Let it be simple. Trust yourself to discern the path before you, it doesn’t have to make logical, linear sense to you or anyone else. And you don’t have to know the full picture to move forward. We create our destiny one step at a time and we grow our consciousness one experience at a time. There are no wrong moves, it’s all part of the journey.
During this powerful week of openings and accelerations of the Lion’s Gate and eclipse portal, be bold in taking the next step your heart is calling you to and TRUST. A step forward doesn’t have to be large and loud, step softly if you must, but take your next best step.